Friday, August 10, 2012

Innovative Ministry at the Olympic Games

Throughout these Olympic Games, my friend and colleague from the UK, Stuart Weir has been sending daily devotional readings to a wide number of competitors in his network from the UK and beyond. These have been heartily received and many are forwarded to other competitors, coaches and friends. I was privileged to contribute to this project with 22 submissions which Stuart tailored to fit his format. One such installment is below.

Let’s consider new and innovative ways to deliver the hope of the Gospel in the language of sport. Please check out Stuart’s ministry at this web site:


And so, having obtained help from God, I stand to this day testifying both to small and great, stating nothing but what the Prophets and Moses said was going to take place. Acts 26:22

Have you ever had a sense that God was helping you as you competed? Do you remember having healed from an injury more quickly than normal? Have you obtained help from God? Have you told anyone about it?

Here is Paul in chains before the people who could free him or could send him on to Rome and ultimate death. What does He talk about? He speaks of how God has helped him and how Jesus is the fulfillment of everything spoken by the prophets and Moses. Has your relationship with Christ so changed your life that it consumes your conversation with both great and small?

Let's join Paul in speaking of the times in which we've sensed the Lord's help. Times of recovery from injury, grief from a friend's death, hope in the midst of despair, displays of power when you feel weak.

As you pray and prepare today, ask the Lord for His help. He is ever present. Ask Him also for the opportunity to speak of Him to both the great and the small. He will be honored by your witness, as He was by Paul's.

Written by Roger Lipe; used by permission

J Stuart Weir
Executive Director
Verite Sport
19 The Glebe

Tel +44 (0) 1865 864265
Mobile +44 (0) 7710 800539

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