Friday, August 17, 2012

God's Team at Ephesus

During my annual study retreat I wrote a verse by verse, inductive study of the Epistle to the Ephesians as viewed through the lens of sports teams. The first session of 12 is below. If you would like a copy of the study, simply email me at and I’ll send you a pdf copy.

God’s Team at Ephesus
An inductive study of Paul’s Epistle to
the Ephesians through the lens of sport teams.

Session 1- Your Position on God’s Team

1) Read Ephesians chapter 1, verses 1-14 aloud and pray together.

2) How does the author describe himself and those to whom he’s writing in verses 1 and 2?

3) Where was Ephesus and what kind of a city was it?

4) According to verses 3 and 4 how did we gain our positions on God’s team?

5) What is the difference between being chosen for this team versus our choosing to join God’s team?

6) What was the timing and purpose for which we were chosen?

7) From what you read in verses 5 and 6, what has God’s grace accomplished in us?

8) Verses 7 through 10 describe further accomplishments of God’s grace in us. Let’s make a list of what has been done.

9) In verses 7 through11, we hear details of our inheritance.

a. From whom does a person receive an inheritance?

b. On what basis is it received?

c. Who were “the first to hope in Christ” mentioned here?

d. Who are the people he addresses as “you also” in verse 13?

e. What is the common result of both groups having heard and believed the gospel?

f. How is the Holy Spirit a pledge of our inheritance?

10) Thoughts for contemplation and application:

a. How does knowing God chose you for His team affect your sense of belonging to Him?

b. Which of the accomplishments of God’s grace listed in verses 7 through 10 do you sense most strongly in your life? Which seem most remote to you?

c. How can we best reflect our position on God’s team and our inheritance this week?

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