Friday, November 8, 2013

Common Cause - Pregame Chapel Talk

Across these twenty seasons of college football I’ve written and delivered a lot of pre-game chapel talks. I thought I’d share the chapel I conducted last Saturday prior to the Football Salukis’ game at Western Illinois University. Our game with the Leathernecks had a 1:00 pm start time and our chapel was at 8:45 am, just prior to the team meal. 100% of the coaching staff and team were in attendance. I was pleased to speak on one of my favorite scripture passages. Below is the outline of my talk. I hope it is of some value to you.

Saluki Football – “Common Cause”

Introduction – This is game one of our four game sprint to the playoffs. Let’s be great today.

Opening prayer by a junior running back.

Common Cause – Thousands of years ago, a man named Moses led two million people from slavery in Egypt to their home in Palestine. Two million people is the equivalent of 20,000 football teams like ours. Their common cause is detailed in the first five books of the Bible and in Psalm 90. Read Psalm 90:12-17. This is the prayer of Moses, the man of God.

          v. 12 – Understand the brevity of life and of opportunity, live wisely.

          v. 13 – God, please visit us with compassion, life is hard.

          vv. 14-15 – Please provide food for us again tomorrow and allow us some good days to match these hard days.

          v. 16 – Show us what to do as men. Let our kids experience a great life.

          v. 17 – Please show us favor with our friends and even with our enemies. Establish our work, make it of lasting impact.

Saluki Football’s Common Cause and my prayer for this team today is this.

·        I pray that we understand how brief the remaining season is and that we will wisely seize this opportunity.

·        I pray that we sense God’s presence on the field today and seek the best of the college football experience.

·        I pray that our coaching staff sees clearly what to do in every moment and that our players find great joy in the game.

·        I pray that we have the favor of God upon us and that the work of our hands; countless hours of study, practice, and training are confirmed, established, and have a lasting impact.

That’s my prayer for Saluki Football today, our common cause, step one of four to a playoff berth.

Closing prayer by our injured, fifth year quarterback.

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