Friday, October 22, 2021

Preseason Interview Forms

One of our colleagues with Nations of Coaches is Rob Ely at Marshall University in West Virginia (USA). He is serving several teams on that campus and he recently shared one resource he uses in preseason preparations with Marshall Softball. It is a set of questions he uses in one on one meetings with each player (about 30 minutes each) at a local Dunkin Donuts shop.

Also below is another form used by our colleague, John Ryberg with Men's Basketball at the University of Alabama at Huntsville (Chargers). He also uses it in preseason to build relationships for himself, the coaching staff, and the other players.

You can obviously adapt the questions to your team and sport, but the brilliance in this is that it asks questions on multiple levels and gets to the players’ hearts. It equips the character coach and the coaching staff with some great information they won’t normally uncover otherwise. I hope it is of value to you.

Marshall University Softball: Pre-Season Interview 2021

Name: Year:

Home: Major:

Who is your “thunder buddy?” (accountability partner)

Why do you play softball?

Tell me about your family:

Where are you most at peace?

What causes you the most stress?

How do I know when you are stressed?

What can others do to help you with stress?

How can I specifically help you?

What does success look like for you?

Introduction activity: Pick a card that had 4 descriptions on it: Parents, Best Friend, Roommate, High School Coach. If that person was sitting here, how would they introduce you to me?

How do you handle conflict?

Not a specific person, but what causes the most conflict with you?

Complete this statement…”If you really knew me, you would know….”

What is your perfect day?

What is challenge you would like to overcome?

Charger Profile for: _________________________________ Date: ______
Nick Name:_______________________ Date of Birth:_______________
Campus Address:
Home Address:
Cell Phone Number:
College Major: Master’s Degree Study:
Parent or Guardian:
Basketball: Righty Lefty Both
Most developed skill: Skill I want to develop:
How do you feel about the game of basketball?
It is better than frisbee. It is paying for my education. I like it and I am willing. I love it and I am eager. I can’t get enough. Give me the grind. What else is there?
What is your favorite part of being a Charger Basketball Player?
What is your least favorite part of being a Charger Basketball Player?
Best Coach before UAH: Why?
Best teammate ever: Why?
Food: Beverage: Candy:
Music Genre: Musical Artist:
Color: Movie:
Most recent injury: Recurring or nagging injury:
Describe your personality in three adjectives:

How have you been sleeping the last two weeks? Poorly Okay Very Well
How many hours of sleep are you getting on average each night?
What time do you usually: Go to sleep? Get out of bed?
What is your current stress level on a scale of 1 to 10?
Circle your answer? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How do you feel about academics?
Help! What are academics? I have to go to class. At least there are attractive students in some of my classes. I am willing, I like learning. I am eager, I live to study. I put the Student in student athlete.

Describe your biggest goal/life dream in two sentences:

Briefly describe your spiritual life:

I _________________________ give permission for this information to be shared with the team only. Signature: _____________________________

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