Friday, October 15, 2021

Zoominar - Take Care of Yourself

Marla Butterworth of FCA and I recently hosted a Zoominar titled, “Take Care of Yourself.” The focus was on how sports chaplains and character coaches can take care of their own mental health while caring for others, especially when our normal ways are disrupted by lockdowns, etc. It was quite good and is now available as video on YouTube or audio only as a podcast. Links to both are just below. Our guests were: Aaron Fuller (Chaplain with extensive research and work in resiliency/self-care) and Ross Georgiou (Global Sports Chaplaincy and Major Sports Events Chaplaincy) help us understand how to better care for ourselves while caring for others.

We pray these resources are valuable to you and all you serve.

YouTube recording -

Podcast recording -

This outline was contributed by Ross Georgiou. BEST TEAM – You, God, Others

Be generous: Love others and show your acts of kindness. John 15:12

Exercise and get the endorphins flowing. Sweat. (Me and mountain biking)

Show yourself grace – you have a gracious God. 1 John 1:9 … he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins…

Talk and share with others, but maintain confidences.

Time: Reduce time from long term to the here and now. Take each day at a time and celebrate victories.

Engage: Connect with friends, families and support networks including other chaplains, coaches, counsellors, (Luke 10- going out in twos, reporting back).

Ask for Help: From God, from Others (Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you).

Manage your thoughts. Don’t give fuel to negative thoughts. Limit bad news – newspaper, social media. Fill yourself with HIS thoughts – Psalms etc.

Resources utilized by Aaron or Ross:


Sports Chaplaincy: Trends, Issues, and Debates, Andrew Parker, (Editor)

Chosen Suffering: Becoming Elite In Life and Leadership by Tom Ryan

Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People who no longer need a God by Andrew Root


The Daily Stoic with Ryan Holiday

New Time Religious with Andrew Root

Wrestling Changed my Life Podcast

Unlocking Us with Brene Brown


Provider Resilience (Defense Health Agency)

ACT Coach (Dept of VA)

Mindfulness Coach (Dept of VA)


Whoop (,

Oura Ring (

Article: The Importance of Self Care Planning During Coronavirus (attached)

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