Friday, May 8, 2020

Sometimes We Fail.

Sometimes we fail. More often than I would like to recall I have failed by arriving too late, by being too early, by balking when prompted to speak, by saying something foolish, by speaking when silence would have been better, by projecting a foolish attitude, by making an inappropriate request, by making a sarcastic remark, by being critical or judgmental, or any of a thousand other ways to fail.

When you fail, and you will, own it. Take responsibility. Apologize. Confess sin. Repent. Be done with it and move on. Deal with the consequences. Persist. Rebuild broken relationships. Seek forgiveness. Let the merciful Lord restore your heart and re-engage.

Failure is not terminal. You can recover and be restored. After almost 64 years of life, 54 years as a follower of Christ Jesus, 45 years as a husband, 43 years as a father, 26 years serving in sports ministry, I have failed more than a little. In fact, I have failed so much I no longer fear it. I know I can recover. I know I generally emerge from it stronger, wiser, and better equipped to serve.

Sometimes we fail. Don’t fear it. Stride into life and service courageously.

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