Friday, May 15, 2020

Sometimes We Can't Perceive Success or Failure.

Sometimes we can’t perceive success or failure. This is most days for me. Given I’m seeking fruit that remains (John 15:16), that usually demands a long-term approach to ministry. It’s normally hard to have a sense of having succeeded immediately following a chapel talk, leading a Bible study, chatting informally with a coach, or praying on the sideline during pregame with a player. It’s genuinely hard to measure.

It’s much easier if one is clear in his or her definition of success. For me, success is defined by I Corinthians 4:2 – “In this connection, moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.” Success for me is to simply be faithful to my calling. I express that calling like this, “I lead, encourage, and inspire sportspeople as they pursue the fulfillment of God's purposes for their lives.” To be faithful in this process is genuinely all I am after.

Insofar as I have done accomplished that in any given interaction, I believe I have been successful. Insofar that I come short of that aim, I know I have failed, and it grieves my soul.

I believe the reason many of us can’t perceive success or failure is we have not defined what success looks like. We wouldn’t recognize success even if we stumbled upon it. Take some time, ponder your definition of success, nail it down, paint it clearly, and embrace it. This will help your perception and clear your vision.

Sometimes we can’t perceive success or failure. Be patient. Be persistent. Occasionally success is wrapped in a failure overcoat.

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