Friday, March 23, 2018

Being a Steward

Last Friday, during the Global Sports Chaplaincy Summit in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA we heard an encouraging devotion from Walt Wiley. Walt was a 14 year Baseball Chapel leader for the Atlanta Braves and is now a member of Baseball Chapel’s board. He also leads a ministry called, "Winning With Encouragement." Notes from Walt’s talk, which have great relevance for our service, are below.

Being a steward - Jesus always spoke of it through parable, on 5 or 6 occasions.
• "I am a steward of my life." It's not mine.
• "I am a steward of my things," the things I have. They are not mine.
• "I am a steward of my thing," the thing I do. It's not mine.

Observations from Parables about Stewards:
1. A steward is appointed. Luke 12:46
2. Emphasis is made on how the steward carried out his responsibilities.  Luke 16:2
3. The owner was not looking over the steward's shoulder. Matthew 25:14-15
4. The relationship between the steward and his coworkers is emphasized. Matt 18:33
5. Be careful to not use your position as a steward to your own benefit. Matthew 18:28
6. A day of reckoning will come for the steward. Luke 16:2

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