Friday, March 13, 2009

Teambuilding Discussions

Over the last nine years I’ve been developing a way to enhance a team’s sense of unity, teamwork, commitment and more. I have called it Teambuilding, for lack of a better term. I’ve used this method with both male and female teams, university American football teams, volleyball teams, basketball teams and recently high school softball teams. It’s really pretty simple if we understand the coach’s goals and work backward to the team’s starting place. Below is an example of a discussion which I used on Monday of this week and I’ll use a very similar outline for this morning’s meeting (45-60 minutes) with another high school girl’s softball team.

Though many would not see this sort of discussion as “spiritual,” my investments in such teams have opened doors to many hearts and has built trust for me with the coaching staff and the players for other conversations on a deeper level later. Let’s not undervalue service of our coaches and teams at the expense of needing to be bluntly “spiritual.”

I hope it’s of help to you. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss using this method with your teams.

Carterville Softball Teambuilding

· Name / Year / Position

During your pre-season meetings with Coach Diel –
· What was the best part of that process for you?
· What did you learn?

One of the things you talked about during those meetings was Mental Toughness -
· When you think of mental toughness, who comes to mind?
· How is that demonstrated by this person?
· Same questions regarding the toughness in your teammates…. Who and how demonstrated?

How does mental toughness relate to team leadership?
· Who are the players on your team to whom you look for leadership?
· When do they lead best and what do they do to lead well?

What are some qualities in your teammates which win your trust?
· Who embodies some of those very well?
· What breaks down your trust of teammates?

What are some of your team goals and expectations for this season?
· How do your expectations compare with others’ outside the team?
· Whose expectations are more important to your team and to you individually?
· How do you keep the team’s expectations on track through the year?

Given all this conversation about mental toughness, leadership, trust, goals and expectations – achieving as a team will come down to commitment.
· How committed will you be to your teammates?
· How consistently will you support them?
· What are you willing to sacrifice for your teammates?

Carterville Softball 2009
“I’ve Got Your Back”

· I will demonstrate toughness for my teammates by ___________________________________________________________________.

· I will lead my teammates by _____________________________________________________________________________________.

· I will earn my teammates’ trust by ________________________________________________________________________________.

· I will demonstrate commitment to my teammates by __________________________________________________________________.

Signed _____________________________________________ March 10, 2009

I gave each player the form above and had them to take it home to complete each statement. They then had to return the completed form to their head coach in exchange for their uniform. He then has it laminated and they are to post it in their locker or keep it in their equipment bag so they have an everyday reminder of their commitments.

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