Thursday, January 15, 2009

Singapore Sport Chaplain Training

At this writing I am in Singapore in the second day of sport chaplain training with 60 people as they prepare for this country’s hosting of the first-ever Youth Olympic Games in 2010.

Our attendees are from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and other Asian countries. They are marvelously attentive and have firmly grasped the training that I offered on Thursday and that Armenio Anjos from Portugal is offering today (Friday). Their hunger and eagerness to learn is remarkable.

Our friends Moses Lim, Steven Tok, Andy Lim and others from Singapore have organized this event and they coalesced the United Methodist Church and the Singapore Bible College with their own sports ministry to offer this training experience.

I spoke with them from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Thursday in discussion of the principles for chaplaincy from my book,
“Transforming Lives in Sport.” Armenio is sharing with them all day Friday re: major event sport chaplaincy and even more information about the sports world and points of emphasis for sports ministries.

Please join us in praying for favor with the Youth Olympics Organizing committee in Singapore and that they will make room for a religious services center and possibly more during the games in 2010. Singapore is a wonderful, modern city of 5 million with people from all over Asia as well as the rest of the world. Please pray that our Lord will use the events of the Youth Olympics and our newly trained team of sport chaplains to impact the whole world.

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