Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ministry Through Sportspeople

Ministry through Sportspeople can be defined as ministry efforts which primarily seek to leverage the influence of a coach or athlete to share the Gospel of Christ with those within the sportsperson’s sphere of influence. One can do such ministry effectively and faithfully if the personal development of the player or coach is his primary goal. To seek God’s purposes in the life of the individual must supersede one’s goals for ministry extended through the player or coach.

Below are some examples of such ministry efforts -
· Helping the sportsperson to develop his or her life in Christ through prayer, study, community and training him or her in sharing one’s faith as a part of that development.
· Teaching a sportsperson about the Christian discipline and responsibility of stewardship in all areas of life, including one’s sport, influence and finances.
· Providing properly chosen opportunities for a sportsperson to share his or her growing faith with others.
o In public events.
o In church services or ministry events.
o In printed materials.
o On television, web sites or radio.
o In sports events, camps, etc…

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