Thursday, December 27, 2007

Issue Discussions

As both players and coaches adopt a postmodern world-view, they’re more likely to be interested in a discussion of issues that affect their lives as people of sport than they will a traditional Bible study. There have recently been developed some materials that can aid the chaplain in such discussions. Books like Born to Play, by Stuart Weir and Graham Daniels of Christians in Sport (UK) are invaluable in their ability to engage sport people in discussion of their lives in sport and the impact of their faith upon them. The discussions lead the group through a set of questions that evoke their experiences, thoughts and emotions about an issue related to their lives of sport, and then relate a similar situation from the Bible to their situations and issues. This sort of ministry seems less direct than a simple talk, but is much more effective in leading players and coaches to a more fully integrated life of faith in Christ.

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