For the next several posts in this series, I will be making some book recommendations in various categories. The lists will neither be exhaustive nor full scale endorsements of everything in each one. I generally read to learn (not to be entertained) and welcome points of view from a broad perspective.
The books mentioned will categorized this way:
- Biographies
- Favorite authors
- Sport
- Theology
- Coaching
- Leadership
- Psychology
- Business Management
- History
- Christian Living
Sport -
The Matheny Manifesto - A Young Manager's Old-School Views on Success in Sports and Life by Mike Matheny - As sport in the USA, particularly youth sport, has changed in recent years, this former MLB player and manager has expressed his views on how athletes and their parents should approach sport and life. I found this to be a refreshing and challenging read.
Onward Christian Athletes: Turning Ballparks into Pulpits and Players into Preachers by Thomas Krattenmaker - This author pokes Christian Sports Ministries right in the eye as he challenges many of our practices and our ethics. The trouble is, he's often correct in his observations. For people like me, this book is tremendously challenging, but also helpful. There is much the author doesn't understand, but his critical remarks can lead us to improvements in our delivery of service of Christ and His people in sport.
Focus on Sport In Ministry by Lowrie McCown and Valerie J. Gin - I am privileged to know these authors and to count them as friends. It was remarkable to see the genesis of these ideas, to see the development of this book as it happened, and to use it as a valued resource for my ministry in sport. I believe this is an essential read for anyone involved in any form of sports ministry.
Theology -
Eugene Peterson's Spiritual Theology - Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places, Practice Resurrection, The Jesus Way, Eat This Book, and Tell It Slant. I began reading this series about twenty years ago, and have enjoyed each one. Peterson writes with imagination, depth, and insight. I recommend starting with Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places.
Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortland - A friend recommended this book to me and I have recommended it widely since I first read it. This book is a balm for your soul. It will encourage you and wrap your heart in a warm blanket of comfort, assurance, and grace.
Foundations of the Christian Faith by James Montgomery Boice - This book's subtitle is, A Comprehensive and Readable Theology. It is certainly that. Boice wrote this systematic theology for college students and it is a treasure for the not or not yet seminary trained disciple of Christ. I read this in the mid-1980s and have given multiple copies to my friends as they embarked upon their seminary education.
Evangelism and The Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer - This book has been foundational to my approach to evangelism and discipleship since I first read it in the late 1980s. I have read it multiple times since. Packer's succinct writing and practical approach to this subject has been a tremendous gift to my ministry.
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