Friday, June 7, 2024

Resources for Character Coaches and Sports Chaplains - FCA Rescources

One of the requests I hear most consistently from character coaches and sports chaplains is for resources. Over the next couple of months I will be highlighting several different websites containing a wide variety of resources. Some have videos, some written resources, some are podcasts, and a couple have all those and more.


One of the most robust and broadest ranging resource sites for ministry in sport is FCA Resources by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.



This site has tons of material! The index at the left margin makes it very easy to navigate and the search bar makes it easy to find resources that may be most helpful to you. I have been privileged to contribute a number of items to this site as I served with FCA for 27 years prior to beginning my service with Nations of Coaches. If you log onto this site, explore it a little, I am sure you will find some helpful items.

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