Friday, February 16, 2024

Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople - Part 7

 For the next number of weeks, I will be sharing excerpts from my new book, Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople

Invite them into your home.

Without question, some of the most deeply impactful moments of making disciples and building depth of relationship have occurred in my home. As we have welcomed coaches and competitors into our home for studies, for meals, for picnics, coffee, or discussions, they find our place to be peaceful and like home.

Your home does not feel like a dorm room, a noisy apartment, an office, or even the chaotic homes from where many have come. Be mindful that you may be their model for what a Christ-honoring marriage looks like. (77% of college basketball players in the USA come from one or zero parent homes.) Yours may be the only healthy home life they have ever seen. How you live in front of them can be transformational, all by itself.

Consider any or all these opportunities for hospitality with the elite sportspeople in your community:

·      Breakfast in your home with the coaching staff.

·      An off-season cookout with the team.

·      A regular discussion in your kitchen over coffee.

·      Host a Bible study and provide a simple snack.

·      Prepare a lunch or dinner and take it to the coaches’ offices during their most time-consuming days.

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