Friday, January 5, 2024

Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople - Part 3

For the next number of weeks, I will be sharing excerpts from my new book, Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople.

Respect their time constraints.

Wendy (Goodman) Bauersachs is my friend. She is 6’-2” (1.88 meters) of beautiful young lady, daughter, sister, friend, and teammate. She is now a wife, the mother of three, teaches second grade, and coaches junior high basketball. She was also #44 for Saluki Women’s Basketball (Southern Illinois University – USA). 

A few weeks after the end of her playing career, she called me asking, “Rog, what do normal people do with all this time?” She had encountered the sense of lost identity that most sportspeople experience at the end of their sporting careers. After going to the gym for practice most every day since she was twelve-years-of-age, suddenly she had no more practice, no more games, no more team, or teammates, or coaches. She suddenly used to be a basketball player. 

Every competitor, regardless of talent, level of competition, length of professional contract, or wealth accumulated, at some point experiences the end of their career and deals with the change in lifestyle including the unexpected abundance of time on their hands. Just like Wendy. 

Being a collegiate athlete is like going to school full-time and working a full-time job, at the same time. They have practice six days a week, they often spend extra hours in voluntary work on the mental part of the game, they must study just like any student, and they want to have a social life like any other student. Add on in-season travel, injury rehabilitation, off-season workouts, and mandatory community service projects and their lives are crowded and complex. 

The lifestyle of collegiate coaches is even more consuming as they have each logged hours of watching game video, building game plans, staff meetings, position meetings, personal video review with players, and more before they ever get to practice with their players. All that is in addition to the hours of video review, travel, visits with, and evaluation of recruits for their next class of players. For the coaches and competitors in professional sport, it is much the same. They just don’t have to go to class. 

Now their lives in sport are even more consuming with countless hours of time in the office, at training, and in practice. Sadly, many of these coaches spend the night sleeping in their offices rather than going home. 

The ministry point here is to respect the value of their free time. When we do events, I limit them to one hour. If they want to hang around longer, good, but if they need to get in and out, they are free. Be sure to ask lots of questions about their schedules and design your activities for them to fit their best days and hours.

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