Friday, March 31, 2023

Ministry at Basketball Final Four Events

Please join us in prayer for this weekend's ministry at the Men's and Women's Basketball Final Four events in Houston and Dallas, respectively.

The bulk of Nations of Coaches staff will be in Houston and this graphic details the ministry events hosted by three ministries (Athletes in Action, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Nations of Coaches) working together.

While they are serving in Houston, Kelly Kennedy, her husband and children, and I will be in Dallas for the Women's Basketball Final Four. We (NOC, AIA, and FCA) will be at our booths engaging coaches all day Friday. On Saturday at 10:30 we (Nations of Coaches) will host a discussion based Coaches Edge event in the convention hotel. On Sunday morning, we'll join the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for their worship service and breakfast. In between events, there will be scores of conversations at the booth, over coffee, lunches and dinners.

Please pray that in all moments, in each event, and in every conversation, we represent both Nations of Coaches and the Lord Jesus very well. Pray that we connect well with people and further the Lord's purposes in each life. Thanks.

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