Friday, April 2, 2021

Teaching Sports Chaplaincy

In delivering Sports Chaplaincy Training:

  • Some people Teach Sports Chaplaincy.
  • Other people Coach Sports Chaplaincy.
  • Still other people Mentor Sports Chaplaincy.

Today we’ll discuss Teaching Sports Chaplaincy. When we teach Sports Chaplaincy we take an academic approach to it. It’s about the delivery and processing of information. We assign books to read, make presentations, deliver lectures, and otherwise aim to improve the trainee’s knowledge of the subject. The focus is usually on principles and practices. It may include research, writing papers, or making presentations to demonstrate the knowledge gained by the trainee.

Teaching of Sports Chaplaincy happens at universities, in seminary classrooms, in sports ministries’ meeting rooms, and via virtual learning platforms.

If you teach Sports Chaplaincy, teach it effectively. Go for depth of understanding. Train minds and hearts to serve wisely. We need you to help the sports chaplaincy community be a healthy, intelligent, and well-integrated form of ministry.

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