Friday, April 10, 2020

Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.

Earlier this week we hosted a Zoom video conference call with Character Coaches and Sports Chaplains (available here - from around the USA, the Philippine Islands, Trinidad, and Ukraine. During the call as we were discussing what we were learning from this odd season of life under COVID-19 isolation, Russ Talley, the team chaplain for Northern Illinois University Football (American Football) insightfully made reference to Jesus’ instructions to His disciples regarding their response to the Roman soldiers and their privilege of forcing Jews in Palestine to carry their gear for up to a mile.

Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Matthew 5:41

Russ challenged us to take the same attitude toward our government’s requirements of us as Jesus did of His disciples in that day. That leads us to ask, what is the second mile for us in this circumstance? I will not even attempt to answer it for you, but would like to have you deal with it, as I am.

Please take about 40 minutes to watch the video and listen in to this insightful discussion between faithful servants on multiple continents and a couple of islands.

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