Friday, October 4, 2019

Sports Ministry Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia

Please join me in praying for an upcoming conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. It will be 31 October through 2 November and we believe it will greatly advance ministry in sport for that part of the world. A network of churches and a television network are joining to host the event which will include presenters from their region as well as the USA. Please pray that we further the Lord’s purposes in that region and that we enhance the ministries of our local colleagues.

I will be presenting six hours on sports chaplaincy within this outline of thought:
1.   A profile of the Sports Chaplain
a.   Definitions
b.   Character qualities
c.   Values
2.   Global Sports Chaplaincy
a.   History of development
                                         i.    United Kingdom
                                        ii.    Australia and New Zealand
                                       iii.    United States and Latin America
                                      iv.    Ukraine and Eurasia
                                       v.    Major sports events chaplaincy
b.   Global Sports Chaplaincy Association and the future
3.   Sports Chaplaincy in Russian Culture
a.   General culture influences
b.   Sporting cultures are distinct from each other.
c.   Don’t simply import church culture into the sporting world.
d.   Communicate Biblical truth in the sporting culture and thereby transform it.
e.   Culture is the canvas onto which we paint Biblical truth.
4.   Tools for Success in Sports Chaplaincy
a.   Personal skills and giftedness.
b.   Training
                                         i.    Relationships
                                        ii.    Attitudes
                                       iii.    Presence
                                      iv.    Strategies and resources
c.   Books, blogs, websites, and networks.

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