Friday, June 21, 2019

The End of a Sportsperson’s Career

One unexpected, but quite fruitful discussion that occurred during May’s F.C.A. Ukraine Sports Chaplains School was, “How can we serve athletes well at the end of their sporting careers?” Everyone, everywhere encounters this issue as their careers in sport will certainly end at some point. There are a number of issues, problems, and new opportunities that come along with this season of life. We talked with our Ukrainian colleagues about those matters and an outline of our discussion. I hope it’s helpful to you.

The End of a Sportsperson’s Career

How do they end and why?
·        Age
·        Declining skills
·        Injury
·        Burnout
·        Opportunity ends (High School or College)

Issues often encountered at career’s end:
·        Loss of identity
·        Loss of income (or a dramatic drop)
·        Loss of social status
·        Loss of disciplined lifestyle
·        Loss of community

How to love and serve sportspeople as their careers end:
·        Restore or build their true identity (You are more than a _____________.) Ephesians 2:10 and other “You are…” scriptures.
·        Introduce them to a new community (the Church).
·        Help them discover a new purpose for life.
·        Help them build a new lifestyle.

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