Friday, October 12, 2018

Raise Your Game.

It was a unique privilege to be invited by Sports Chaplaincy United Kingdom CEO, Warren Evans, to speak at their annual conference in Bradford, England earlier this summer. Throughout the conference the attendees were challenged to “Raise their Game.” I talked with the gathered men and women about what it is to inspire and to be inspired. I then spoke with them about how we challenge and receive challenges. Lastly, I spoke with them about how sports chaplains must stretch and be stretched to serve effectively. Below is the outline from each talk. No frills, no stories, just the essentials.

Raise Your Game.
Ø Inspire
Ø  Challenge
Ø  Stretch

I n s p i r e
·        Who inspires you?
·        Context for inspiration: Fear, ambition, & jealousy. Mark 10:42-45
o   Inspired to be great? Serve.
o   Inspired to be first? Be everyone’s slave.
o   Inspired to be like Jesus? Sacrifice.
o   To what are you inspired?
Ø To be great?
Ø To be first?
Ø To be like Jesus?

C h a l l e n g e
·        Elisha is challenged to follow.
o   I Kings 19:19-21
o   II Kings 2:1-2
o   II Kings 2:8
·        Elisha requests a double challenge.
o   II Kings 2:9-12
·        Elisha receives a double challenge.
o   II Kings 2:13-14
·        Serving as a sports chaplain is very challenging.
·        Accept the challenge!

S t r e t c h
·        To Raise Your Game will require you to stretch and to be stretched.
·        Stretch by holding tightly to your faith.
o   Hebrews 10:23
·        Stretch by stirring up your colleagues.
o   Hebrews 10:24
·        Stretch by gathering for encouragement.
o   Hebrews 10:25

Raise Your Game.
Ø Inspire
Ø Challenge
Ø Stretch

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