Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas - It's About Jesus.

During these days approaching the Christmas holiday, I have been taking some time off and have been reflecting upon the central figure of Christmas. The popular culture being what it is, the central figure of Christmas is often lost among the clutter. Without trashing all of the holiday’s pop culture trappings, I would like to remind us of the central person in Christmas as revealed in the gospel of Luke. It’s Jesus Christ.

When the angel Gabriel visited Zacharias, John the Baptist’s father, it was about Jesus. When his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant at an advanced age, it was about Jesus.

When Gabriel spoke to Mary, Jesus’ mother, his message was about Jesus. When Mary responded in what we now call the Magnificat, her response was about Jesus. When Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit, it was Jesus.

When Zacharias’ tongue was loosed and he began to prophesy, his message was about Jesus.

When Caesar Augustus decreed the census, it was unwittingly about Jesus.

When an angel spoke to shepherds near Bethlehem, it was about Jesus. When they came and found the holy family, it was about Jesus. When all those who heard the story wondered and when Mary pondered in her heart, it was about Jesus.

When the Lord’s family came to the temple on the 8th day, it was about Jesus. When Simeon prophesied, it was about Jesus. When Anna gave thanks to God and spoke of the redemption of Jerusalem, it was about Jesus.

When the magi showed up, about two years later from Persia, their visit was about Jesus.

As we gather with the Lord’s Church this weekend to pray, to sing, to study, and to proclaim, it’s about Jesus.

As we gather with family and friends on Christmas eve, and or Christmas Day, it’s about Jesus.

When we send Christmas cards, when we tweet, post, or email greetings to family, friends, and colleagues, it’s about Jesus.

When we present gifts to those we love, it’s about Jesus.

When we experience the love, mercy, grace, and presence of God, it’s about Jesus.

I pray you experience the immeasurable love of God, through relationship with Jesus, during this Christmas season and beyond. The season, the year, the century, the millennium, the epoch, the eternity is about Jesus.

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