Friday, July 21, 2017

What about your service as a sports chaplain will matter in one hundred years?

What about your service as a sports chaplain, character coach, or sports mentor will matter in ten years, in twenty, in one hundred years? What do you do, how do you impact lives, whose lives are affected strongly enough that your service of them will have long lasting benefits? Let’s think about this challenging set of questions.

What about your service as a sports chaplain will matter in ten years? What you taught and modeled for them about success in life can have this sort of effect. When people see your approach to work, how you engage with people, your study habits, and other life skills, they can be significantly influenced for a good period of time.
What about your service as a sports chaplain will matter in twenty years? I would assert that what you taught and modeled for them about God honoring relationships have a strong effect for at least this long. As they observe your loving interaction with your spouse and children, they will be directly affected in a great way. What you teach them about relationships with teammates, coaches, support staff, people of the opposite sex, sports officials, and their opponents on the field of competition will shape their lives for decades.
What about your service as a sports chaplain will matter in one hundred years? What you taught and modeled for them about the person and work of Christ Jesus, that will matter after you and they are all dead, buried, and mostly forgotten. The clear and direct communication of the gospel of Christ will make an eternal difference. Your introduction to faith in the Lord Jesus can break generations of curses, foolish lifestyles, and condemnation that has been a millstone around the necks of many.
Whether your term of service with people in sport is a few weeks, a few months, a few years, or even a few decades, make investments in their minds, their hearts, and their lives. There will be fruit from your faithful service. It may appear in ten years, it may be most evident in twenty years, and it may be most strongly effective in one hundred years. Pray to the Lord of the harvest that He may send more workers into His field, this field, the field of sport.

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