Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sports Chaplaincy in Guatemala

This week I was in Guatemala City, Guatemala working with my FCA colleagues of that wonderful nation. While in the “land of eternal springtime” we had a very productive meeting with several newly serving sports chaplains (sports mentors), cast vision at a couple of conferences (at the invitation of the Olympic Committee), and shared with many other individuals.

I was thrilled by the way the FCA Guatemala team embraced this form of ministry, how diligently they approached training, networking, and mentoring as the path to ministry development, and the partnership they enjoy. Maybe most gratifying was the profile of those serving. They were almost entirely retired players at elite levels, coaches of sport, and one was a retired very high level futbol referee. They understand sport from the field level, rather than from the cheap seats or through the television screen.

A few photos are below that illustrate the meetings and the rich opportunities we experienced in Guatemala. Thanks to everyone who participated in this transformational week.

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