Sunday, August 2, 2015

Ministry with British Athletics

Over the years that I have been serving in sports ministry, I have gathered a great number of valued friends, colleagues, and mentors. Among the most valued and respected is my friend, Stuart Weir of Verité Sport in the UK. Stuart serves uniquely with the men and women of British Athletics at their competitions across the globe. He uses his ability as a writer and his experience at these sorts of events to both serve well as a writer and as a chaplain to these athletes. 

Below is a brief note from Stuart as he was recently in Stockholm, Sweden for competitions. The remarkable favor he is being shown is a direct result of his faithfulness and God’s gifting. I pray Stuart’s service, faithfulness, and excellence in ministry is inspiring and instructive for you. 

Friday in Stockholm

Usually on the last morning I am stressing as to whether the transport to the airport will work. Sometimes it doesn’t. Stockholm is perfect. My hotel is 50 metres from the station from where the direct train to the airport (20 minute journey) leaves every 10 minutes and they have given me a free ticket. Bliss!

Yesterday involved a lot of sitting around in the hotel and then watching the event. The venue was the 1912 Olympic Stadium, an impressive old but impractical building. The media seats were in a temporary stand built on scaffolding. It was so unstable that you worried that your coffee would fly anywhere every time someone stood up.

The good news was that the mixed zone was perfect, affording a brilliant view of everything (see pictures, so I based myself there. I watched and chatted to athletes and recorded a few bits which I will offer to Athletics Weekly.

As I reflect on the way the ministry has developed over the past year – and even the past 3 weeks – I am amazed and humbled – honoured to be part of it. There is a rumour that I am home for 3 weekends before heading to Beijing for the World Championships.

Yesterday I had an email from British Athletics saying that they would seek to facilitate my entry to the team hotel both Sunday mornings to do church. (We expect the hotels to be like Fort Knox). I mentioned this months ago but had not followed it up. Another example of the favour I am receiving.

J Stuart Weir
19 The Glebe

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