Friday, June 27, 2014

From whom do you best learn?

From whom do you best learn? How do you best develop intellectually? What media best communicate with you? What environments best enhance your personal development? Please consider the list I have compiled below and drop me a note with some thoughts about which of these work best for you. I’ll share the responses I receive in the near future. Thanks.

·        Books
·        Websites
·        Blogs
·        Television
·        Radio
·        Movies (cinema)
·        Podcasts
·        Periodicals (magazines / journals)
·        Church services
·        Small groups
·        Mentors
·        Lectures
·        Seminars
·        Educational institutions
·        Colleagues
·        Conferences
·        Others… (please describe)

Please reply with your thoughts about any or all of these. Please try new methods on occasion. Please lean into the proven methods. Let’s each commit to the continual development of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. 

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