Friday, April 11, 2014

Process for writing a Life Purpose Statement

A couple of years ago I read Leaders Who Last by Dave Kraft and found it to be very good with a long lens view of leadership in the Lord’s Kingdom. Among the most helpful and immediately applicable ideas in the book was his recommended process for writing one’s life purpose statement. The ability to simply, briefly, and effectively express what you do and why you do it is very helpful in recruiting people to your team, in keeping your calendar in line with your life’s purpose, and even in communicating with investors and colleagues.
I would heartily recommend taking the time to work through this process and then sharing your first draft of a statement with those who know you best. They will help you refine it, as mine did.


Process for writing a Life Purpose Statement

  1. Record Bible verses God has applied to your life.
  2. Reflect on how God has used you in the past.
  3. Determine what you are passionate about.
  4. List your known gifts and strengths.
  5. Delineate at what you have excelled in your work experience.
  6. Define what action words best describe what you like to do.
  7. Write down what you like to do in your free time.
  8. Reread all your answers.
  9. Take note of common themes.
  10. Write down key words or ideas that repeat.
  11. Summarize those key words in a short, energizing statement about yourself.
Here’s my example: “I lead, encourage and inspire sportspeople as they pursue the fulfillment of God's purposes for their lives.”

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