Friday, May 10, 2013

Faithful vs. Flashy

Faithful vs. Flashy

While this may seem like an easy contrast for most of us, there are times when many of us struggle with how much flash to bring to our service.  We know we should be faithful, but we occasionally hear of or even observe others who serve similarly and wonder, “Should I be more dramatic in my presentations?  Would I communicate better if I was a little louder or more flamboyant? Maybe I should incorporate some of that guy’s oratory in my talks. What if I dropped some of that motivational stuff I saw on YouTube into my next chapel?” We bump into other sport chaplains or character coaches and make comparisons between our respective “styles.” Relax! Be who you are. Odds are the one to whom you are comparing yourself was simply being himself. Be faithful.

Here are some contrasts between being faithful and being flashy. They’re probably oversimplified, but they’re intended to help, not to hurt.
One who is Faithful is steady and unassuming, the Flashy are often overly loud and overly dramatic.
The Faithful are a little camera shy, whereas the Flashy are camera seeking.
The Faithful are diligent to speak the language of their sport’s culture, the Flashy simply mimic the catch phrases from pop culture and sports talk radio.
The Faithful work to blend in with the team by dressing as its leaders (coaches) do, The Flashy are sartorially spectacular so as to attract attention.
The Faithful have a long-term focus, thinking in terms of decades, but the Flashy have a short-term approach, thinking in terms of minutes.
The Faithful take a relationship oriented approach to ministry, whereas the Flashy take a program oriented approach.
The Faithful are people-centered in their service – conscious of their audience and how to best communicate God’s truth with them, but the Flashy are message-centered in their service – conscious of the content, style and delivery of their message above all other concerns.

The challenge is to be faithful, regardless of style or personality. Your service of God with the men and women of sport is not enhanced by a more flamboyant style, neither is it of greater value if wrapped in more trendy slogans or flashier clothing.  Let’s each be challenged by the Apostle Paul’s admonition from I Corinthians 4:1-2 “Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” (New King James Version) This is the standard – Faithfulness.  Let’s pursue that over flashiness.

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