Friday, January 4, 2013

Please share your most effective ministry strategies

I have recently been asked to help guide the development of Sport Chaplaincy around the world through the Serving the People of Sport Council and one of the key principles to how I see this being done is the sharing of the vast knowledge held by those in our wide global network. Over the next few weeks I will be asking some questions to which I hope you will reply. These questions are meant to seek your thoughts and the best practices you have employed in your service of the men and women of sport. I will be sure to attribute your contributions to you with your name and organization.

Please send me your thoughts via email and I will collect the ideas as shared by our partners around the world and will then report a summary to you as well as posting them on the SPS web site in the resources section.  I believe that sharing our hearts with each other will result in each of us being better equipped to serve effectively.

Describe briefly three of the most effective ministry strategies you have used with your sport club or team.

That’s it. Simple and direct. Please reply with your thoughts and we’ll share the replies we receive soon. Reply to: Thanks.

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