Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapel Talk - The Team

The theme for this season of Saluki Football is “The Team.” All our pre-season Team Building, my three pre-season Sunday morning chapel talks and all my game day chapel talks will fit in with this overarching theme. The first of eleven game day chapel talks was delivered last Thursday prior to our season opening loss to Eastern Illinois University. An outline of the chapel and the talk is below. Please feel free to make use of it if you like.

1) Introductory thoughts and welcome.

2) Prayer – “The Lord’s Prayer” was said in unison, standing at tables while holding the hands of those at each table.

3) This season, to be a great team, we must do five things very well. This list of five is from First Corinthians chapter 16 and verses 13 and 14.

4) Read the text. “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”

5) In life, we must do these five things:

a. Be on the alert. Not everyone likes you. Some people will seek to hurt you and to use you and those whom you love. Be on the alert so as to protect.

b. Stand firm in the faith. One must know the values that are at the core of his life and he must stand firm in holding to those. As a Christian, these values are clearly stated in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

c. Act like men. I shared a one page document from Coach Tony Dungy re: what defines “A Real Man.” I summarized by saying that to act like a man means to reject passivity and to take initiative. Living passively will result in your being run over by life.

d. Be strong. Be strong physically, mentally and spiritually.

e. Let all you do be done in love. To seek another’s good at your cost is to love. I love my wife and will pay whatever it costs to see her be well. I love my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter, I will pay whatever it costs to care for them.

6) In football today, we must do these same five things:

a. Be on the alert. Keep your head on a swivel. There are big, ugly men with harmful intentions toward you running across that field. They would like nothing better than to blindside you and to put you on your back. Be on the alert.

b. Stand firm in the faith. Hold tightly to your team’s values which we have discussed since August 4.

c. Act like men. Don’t play passively today. Take initiative. Make a play.

d. Be strong. Be strong physically. Be strong mentally. Be strong spiritually.

e. Let all you do be done in love. Seek your team’s best and seek each teammate’s best at your cost.

7) Summary – Today and for the rest of your life –

a. Be on the alert.

b. Stand firm.

c. Act like men.

d. Be strong.

e. Let all you do be done in love.

8) Closing prayer by the chaplain.

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