Friday, May 18, 2012

Sport in Ministry Map - Part 2

This is the latest in a series of thoughts concerning the Sport in Ministry Map which was developed by Lowrie McCown and was detailed in “Focus on Sport in Ministry” by Lowrie McCown and Valerie J. Gin. (ISBN 193261100-2) For more information visit and to acquire a copy, email Lowrie at The more I have come to understand, to implement and to rely upon the insights of the Sport in Ministry Map, the more I have been effective with the various sorts of people we encounter in our ministry in sport.

As you will recall, the Sport in Ministry Map consists of two lines which intersect at ninety degree angles. This creates four quadrants of area which we will today number 1, 2, 3 and 4. Quadrant 1 will represent the lower left area which is populated by Spectators, Novices and Leisure participants in sport (Recreational approach) who have yet to commit their lives to Christ Jesus. They will have numerical values from -10, those who don’t even believe in the spiritual dimension of humanity, to 0, the point of conversion and trusting Jesus as Savior. Quadrant 2, immediately to the right, will also describe those “yet to believe,” but it is full of Players, Elite and High Profile competitors (High Achievement approach). Quadrant 3 is above Quadrant 1, again populated by Spectators, Novices and Leisure participants in sport, but these range from 0, having just trusted Christ to +10, those most fully formed and mature believers in your church, family or community. To the right of Quadrant 3 is Quadrant 4 which is made up of believers in Jesus Christ who have strong identities in sport, being Players, Elite competitors and High Profile performers in sport. Defining these quadrants will be helpful in our further discussions.

A very important value for effective ministry in sport is to understand and to employ wisely various ministry resources and strategies as they best fit the respective quadrants and the people therein. There is a tendency in sports ministry to take a “one size fits all” mentality to our strategies and methods. This is a terribly misguided approach and will result in frustration for both the ministry leaders and their intended recipients of ministry. Let’s discuss some of the distinctions by quadrant.

In quadrants 1 and 3, Programmatic approaches will be effective, but in quadrants 2 and 4, a more Relational approach will be required. A well-crafted program of Bible study, video presentation, testimony or analogies to sport will have its desired effect with Spectators in particular and even with the Novice and Leisure oriented people. However, the farther to the right one’s audience for ministry is (Player --> Elite--> High Profile) the more effective Relationship will be to ministry impact. No glossy, slick or “can’t miss” program will impress those in quadrants 2 and 4. You have their ears when you invest in their hearts. If they learn to trust you, they’re ready to hear you, with or without a polished presentation or program.

Pressure, distrust and a progressive loss of privacy causes the quadrants 2 and 4 people to narrow their list of trusted friends and confidants. If you win a place within their circle of trust, your relational capital is more valuable than the best program on the planet. Whether with quadrant 2 people, those who have yet to trust Christ or quadrant 4 competitors, those who are growing in Christ, your relational approach will have the greatest effect and deepest impact. Please don’t take shortcuts and apply methods which fit spectators well to your quadrant 2 and 4 people. This can undermine your relationships and diminish your effectiveness. The numbers of participants will be lesser, but the depth of impact will be much greater.

Two instances from my recent weeks of ministry may help illustrate these approaches.

1) A couple of weeks ago I spoke to a local high school’s Girl’s Sports Banquet. The room was full of people from all four quadrants. There were lots of quadrant 1 and 3 people, both the student-athletes and parents. There were a few quadrant 2 and 4 people, mostly Players (coaches and student-athletes) and even one or two elite competitors, one a believer the other not. Given that crowd, I determined to speak most directly to those nearest the center line. I told a story of a women’s college basketball player whose life was emblematic of Proverbs 3:5-6. The stories of sport kept the quadrants 1 and 3 people engaged and I spoke about my friend’s life in sport enough to keep the quadrants 2 and 4 people from tuning out. My tone was to encourage and to challenge and I was brief, which made everyone happy.

2) This coming Sunday night I’ll be doing pre-game chapels for two minor league baseball teams. These will be entirely quadrants 2 and 4 competitors. As I’ve been developing relationships with these players for a few weeks, I’m getting a handle on how many already know Jesus and which ones have yet to trust Him. My talk with them will include zero stories, it will be direct and challenging and our setting will be the dugout. That is a perfect setting because it’s where they are most at home and is off limits to fans and others. I’ll stand close to them and will talk in a very relational style as we discuss the effect of the truth of scripture as applied to their lives in baseball.

Please continue to walk with me through the Sport in Ministry Map as we sharpen our skills and heighten our awareness of the distinctions in the lives of the men and women of sport.

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