Friday, October 7, 2011

Team Building - Final Installment

This is the final entry in a series of this year’s Team Building with Saluki Football. I hope it’s of value to you. If you would like the entire outline, please email me and I’ll be pleased to send it to you.

Summary of Team Building – C-H-A-M-P-S

• Courage and Character

• Hunger and Humility

• Attitude and Ambition

• Motivation and Mentors

• Poise and Perseverance

• Strength and Skill

Expectations and Commitments

• Write down and discuss with your teammates what you expect from your team this season.

Team Expectations:


• Write and discuss with your teammates what you expect from yourself related to preparation, game-day performance, academics and off-field conduct.

Personal Expectations:


• Write and discuss with your teammates what you expect from particular members of the team related to leadership, productivity and key roles on game-days.

I expect ______________ to ____________________________________.

I expect ______________ to ____________________________________.

I expect ______________ to ____________________________________.

I expect ______________ to ____________________________________.

• Write and discuss among yourselves to what you will commit related to your role on this team.

In my role as a Saluki Football player, I will commit to: ____________________________________________________________________________

“CHAMPS” – Goal Setting

1) On a 1 – 10 scale, grade yourself on each of these characteristics of CHAMPS: (1 = poor, 10 = excellent)

_____ Courage and Character

_____ Hunger and Humility

_____ Attitude and Ambition

_____ Motivation and Mentors

_____ Poise and Perseverance

_____ Strength and Skill

2) For the 2 lowest rated items, what can you do today and this week to improve in those categories? (Write your first thoughts here…)


3) What is your individual performance goal for Game 1? (Write down a goal that leads to team success and two training points which will lead to its fulfillment.)


4) What is your individual performance goal for this non-conference season? (Write down a goal that leads to team success and two training points which will lead to its fulfillment.)


5) What is your academic performance goal for the first six weeks of the semester? (Write down a goal that leads to academic achievement and three points of action which will lead to such success.)


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