Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ministry Strategies with Sports Professionals

Below is the final installment from an interview with Walt Enoch, long-time sports chaplain to professional athletes and coaches in St. Louis, Missouri – USA. I pray that his insights are of value to your ministry.

Prayer points of emphasis –

o Prayer is modeled in the Bible study.

o Prayer is offered by the chaplain and players at chapel.

o Prayer takes place in a prayer circle at the conclusion of chapel.

o Prayer is done in the locker room before taking the field.

o Prayers are said on the sideline with players as they request it.

Bible study points of emphasis – “Teaching the Scripture has always been what I have stuck to and has kept the men coming over the years. I cannot emphasize that enough.”

o Once a week meetings are best.

 Coaches Study

 Players Study

 Couples Study

 Game Day Chapel

o Verse by verse studies work very well. Walt’s Tuesday study, now in its 30th year, is on its third trip through the entire Bible.

o Walt uses inductive Bible study method and develops his own study guides. His studies are not necessarily directly tied to their sport experiences.

o Emphasize Matthew, Mark, Luke John, Acts and Romans.

o Allow the group studies to prompt opportunities for individual meetings with players or coaches.

Devotional points of emphasis –

o Walt has distributed countless thousands of copies of the devotional periodical, “Daily Bread.”

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