Friday, May 21, 2010

"The Lord's a Tough Guy"

A couple of times over the last two years I have written about a coach friend of mine who is in a battle with melanoma. I have been writing him once or twice a week with a scripture to read and a prayer to pray. He has responded amazingly. I gave him a “Coaches Bible” just over a year ago and he reads two of the devotions and one chapter of scripture daily. I saw his wife at a function on Good Friday and she said, “He reads his Bible every morning. If you had told me that 18 months ago I would have laughed at you.”

When I visited the coach in his office in March and as he was telling me about reading Genesis through Leviticus he said, “The Lord’s a tough guy.” I agreed with him and he started telling me stories from his reading of the Lord’s toughness. He related the stories with respect and admiration. Tough guys respect and admire other tough guys.

We are planning to publish these simple scriptures and prayers in a book to benefit a local cancer fund. I asked Coach if he’d like to contribute a couple of paragraphs about his situation as a foreword for the book and his submission is below. I hope it encourages your hearts to care deeply for coaches and players, especially for those who don’t naturally fit in the normal evangelical culture and all its expectations. They’re worth it.

“During my recent bout with cancer, I’ve noticed several revelations, some minor and some more major, in nature. I think most glaringly is the support and concern I have received, not only from my immediate family, but from my friends, co-workers and even complete strangers. The outpouring of love and has been difficult for me to define, yet at the same time very humbling.

Maybe more importantly, is my new found appreciation for The Bible, as well as the influx of prayers I receive from concerned friends like Roger Lipe, Woody Thorne and Coach Kill. As recently as several years ago, I couldn’t delete fast enough what I considered “Junk Mail” when I received a blessing or special prayer. Now, things have changed, and being on or close to your death bad, can initiate change IN A HURRY!

Is my paying closer attention to the scripture self-serving or an act of desperation? Maybe so. I do know this, though, and to put it rather generically, The Bible claims “better late than never.” I have found that through scripture! I don’t know if I’ve TRULY discovered The Lord and the Bible’s true meaning; but it now means more to me and I’m glad I’ve become one of those “better late than never believers.”

When someone emphatically states ‘The Lord stand behinds you,’ it catches your attention. If Coach Cal can become a believer, you can too. My best to whoever takes the time to read this and ‘thank you’ for YOUR support.”

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