Friday, November 2, 2007

On line resources

This week I’d like to pass along some on-line resources for your perusal.

This is a link to the Serving the People of Sport Council of the International Sport Coalition. The SPS is a tremendous group with which I serve and with which I will meet next week in Thailand. Please take a look at this site, its training and resouces. Every time I’m with this rich network of sport ministry professionals, I learn and take away more than I contribute.

In 1990, Ambassadors In Sport (AIS) began in Bolton, England, founded by a group called Missionary Athletes International USA. From the beginning, the aim of AIS has been to partner with churches and Christian groups to develop grass roots football ministry.
The work goes on through football camps, clinics, prison ministry, school ministry, men's and women's teams, international tours and major sport event ministries.
AIS now has offices in the UK, USA, Spain, South Africa, Japan, Brazil & the Czech Republic. They also have satellite workers in Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, Iceland, Haiti & Guatemala.

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