Monday, March 14, 2022

End of Season Review with the Head Coach

The end of a sport’s season provides unique challenges and opportunities for ministry with coaches and competitors. There is the obvious finality that comes with the end of players’ careers, the disappointment of goals they failed to achieve, or even the emptiness in the hearts of champions who realize their achievements’ thrills last very briefly and are often followed by emptiness and despair.

The pressure and intensity players feel is even greater for their coaches. For most of them this is a career or a calling, much more than a job. Should they fail to achieve as expected, they stand to be privately criticized, publicly shamed, or fired from their positions.

All of these factors lead to both challenges and opportunities for us who serve them.

For many years of service in sport, one of my best strategies for development of ministry has been to hold an evaluation meeting with the head coach being served. Following are some suggested questions for such a meeting. I would strongly suggest getting an appointment for 15-30 minutes in a place you’re not likely to be interrupted for this meeting.

Ask questions like:
  • Coach, with what about our service this season were you pleased?
  • What could we do better in serving your team?
  • Is there anything you would like us to add to our service?
  • Is there anything we should discontinue?
  • Would you like to have me serve your team next season?
  • What are some ways we could serve you, your staff, and your team in the off-season?
  • May I take you and your staff to lunch to say, “thank you”?
I hope these questions and the discussions deepen your relationships with coaches, players, and teams.

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