Friday, November 6, 2020

Emotions Sports Chaplains Experience

Those of us serving as sports chaplains or character coaches regularly experience a wide spectrum of emotions. Some simple thoughts about those emotions follow. 

Elation – When our team or individuals achieve highly, when we see evidence of someone’s growth in Christ, when we observe a developmental milestone being reached by someone we serve, we are elated! These are the best of times; don’t miss them. 

Disappointment – When our team experiences a last-second loss, when a friend, colleague, or someone we’re serving has a moral failure, or even when one for whom we care walks away from the faith, we encounter the bitterness of disappointment. In these moments, be sure to learn something. 

Grief – More often than I would like to recall, I have walked through grief with coaches, athletes, their families, and certainly with my own family. This emotion and all that accompanies it can be a soul-cleansing agent, stripping away the clutter of trivial matters, clarifying values, and deepening relationships. When you walk into it, allow it to scour your heart. 

Frustration – When our aspirations are delayed or denied, when our hopes are crushed, when our friends and colleagues are derailed, we will deal with some frustration. Whether due to foolish expectations, another’s failures, or our own personal weaknesses, frustration is a common virus for relationships. Treat the virus with forgiveness, mercy, affirmation of relationship, and vision for a better future. 

Joy – I see joy as emotional buoyancy. No matter how turbulent the seas, the joyful person has the buoyancy to stay afloat in the storm. In placid, glassy seas joy carries along with gentleness and a strong sense of wellbeing. When things are bit stormy, joy helps us ride the ups and downs of emotion, strained relationships, and worry. When all goes sideways, the waves are crashing onto the deck, and we fear being capsized, joy speaks to our hearts with calm assurance, quells the fear, and settles our emotions. Let joy carry your heart securely. 

Fulfillment – Sometimes the best case scenario actually happens. We’re often as surprised as anyone when that happens! When a long held dream is realized, we experience fulfillment. When the vision we carried in our souls for years is accomplished, its fulfillment is so sweet. When we find ourselves perfectly fit for a role in serving God’s purposes, we know the very height of fulfillment. Do yourself a favor, get to that spot as soon as possible. 

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