Friday, July 31, 2020

The Pernicious Folly of Comparison

In past years I have written about the folly of making comparisons, especially related to our Christian ministries in sport. Some of us don’t deal with the temptation to compare while others of us, certainly I, are constantly driven by our competitive natures to think this way. Oftentimes we do it without conscious thought.

I’d like to share some scriptures that also warn about this tendency to foolishly make comparisons. This is not peculiar to our time. We can see the apostles dealing with it.
For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding. 2 Corinthians 10:12
The apostle Paul is aware of those among his peers who make some foolish comparisons. He refuses to play their game. He will not claim a title, a rank, or allow comparison of himself with these others. Further, he says that when the comparisons are made, the ones so doing are without understanding. Let’s not be among them.

Some of us have teammates we envy for various reasons. We may be envious of their talents, abilities, their positions, their relationships, or any number of things. Some of us can become envious of the calling another has received from our Lord, its importance or profile, as compared to our more humble callings. Jesus’ disciple Peter felt this way toward John.
Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them; the one who also had leaned back on His bosom at the supper and said, “Lord, who is the one who betrays You?” So Peter seeing him said to Jesus, “Lord, and what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!” John 21:20-22
Jesus does this so well by asking Peter, “…what is that to you? You follow me” As I have found myself wondering about the nature of my calling and area of service vs. the higher profile nature of my colleague’s service, I have occasionally heard a voice in my ear saying, “What is that to you? You follow Me.” This gentle rebuke never fails to restore my perspective and to prompt repentance and confession.

Another form of comparison that ensnares some of us it comparisons of our friends, our networks, or other second-hand associations. This happens when people in organizations compare how they came to that group.  It’s almost like a set of coaches comparing the “coaching tree” from which they have come. Somehow we think we have greater organizational status depending upon the people with whom we are associated. The apostles also deal with this behavior.
So then let no one boast in men. For all things belong to you, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come; all things belong to you, and you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God. 1 Corinthians 3:21-23
The apostle clarifies the issue of belonging for all concerned. Ultimately we are God’s. His alone. Our lesser associations are of little consequence. Let’s stop appealing to them for status.

If we are wise, we will properly grasp the scope of our service, thank God for it, appreciate its value, and boast only in God’s grace given to fulfill it. To commend ourselves for something that is God’s work seems rather foolish.
But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you. But he who boasts is to boast in the Lord. For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends. 2 Corinthians 10:13, 17-18
The apostle knows it is God’s grace, love, and power that has enabled him to reach, even as far as Corinth. He knows that the only warranted boasting is reserved for The Lord Himself. He will not commend himself, nor will he acknowledge those who commend themselves. He will trust the Lord for His commendation. As should we all.

Please, friends and colleagues, beware the pernicious folly of comparison. It will diminish your relationships and sully your spirit. Be 100% who the Lord made you to be and find the joy that comes with that fulfillment of purpose.

Friday, July 24, 2020

New book - Front Lines - Becoming an Effective Sports Chaplain or Character Coach

New book release:

Cross Training Publishing of Omaha, Nebraska has published a new title by Roger D. Lipe of Carbondale, Illinois. Front Lines – Becoming an Effective Sports Chaplain or Character Coach is 304 pages of practical training and best practices for people who serve the sporting community. The book is available in paperback through as well as and other booksellers in the USA. A list of sources for the book in the UK, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand is at the bottom.

Like many people serving in sports chaplaincy or character coaching, Roger Lipe began with no formal training, too little information, and no reference guide. Front Lines is designed to provide much of the simple, direct, and applicable information needed to guide a sports chaplain or character coach through the process of developing ministry in sport.

Roger Lipe has served with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in southern Illinois since 1994. He was born and raised in Carbondale, Illinois (USA) and currently resides there with his wife, Sharon. Their son, Jason, his wife Jenn, and granddaughters Addison and Elise are treasures to his soul.

Roger serves as chaplain or character coach to teams, coaches, and individual competitors at Southern Illinois University, and to the Southern Illinois Miners of the Frontier Professional Baseball League.

Roger is the author of fourteen books for ministry in sport. His global network of friends and colleagues has enabled him to make dozens of international trips to over twenty nations on five continents to facilitate the growth of sports chaplaincy.

For more information, please contact Roger Lipe at or 618.559.2735.

What People are Saying about Front Lines –
“One of the weaknesses of the Christian sports network is a reluctance to document. Roger Lipe is an exception.  This book addresses the practical challenges which the active sports chaplain faces and suggests ways to approach them combining Biblical wisdom and practical experience. Written in a humble manner it provides a blueprint for servant-hearted sports chaplaincy.”
            J Stuart Weir, Executive Director, Verité Sport, UK

“If you are one either on the front lines of sports chaplaincy, or in the midst of considering a call to join, Roger Lipe’s 20+ years of ministry experience and distilled here in these pages, Front Lines, will help ready you and mature you for the work ahead that God has for you."
Rev Brad Kenney, Founder/Director, Soccer Chaplains United, Lead Volunteer Chaplain, Colorado Rapids, USA

“Drawing upon years of faithful service and practice wisdom, this book comprises a candid and highly informative resource which chaplains and mentors across any number of sports will find invaluable.”
Dr. Andrew Parker, Director at Andrew Parker Consulting Ltd. UK

"This book is arguably the most practical and insightful offering on Sport Chaplaincy on the market. Due to Roger's long involvement at the coal-face of Sport Chaplaincy and his willingness and openness to engage academically with the topic, the sections of this book are filled with clear and helpful advice on how to become, and to be, a an effective minister for Christ in the domain of sport".
Dr Nick J. Watson, Chief Operating Officer, Archbishop of York Youth Trust and former Associate Professor, Sport and Social Justice, York St. John University, UK

“Sport chaplains enter a world of relative fame, competing agendas, and raw emotion. The role requires near constant self-reflection and discernment for understanding the sport culture and serving the people involved.   
In Front Lines, Roger Lipe shares his practiced wisdom from decades of sport chaplaincy in accessible, bite-sized sections - each equally profound and practical. From start to finish, this book unpacks the how questions of sport chaplaincy while always remaining tethered to the important question of why, offering an invaluable and authentic resource for people in sports ministry and beyond.”
Dr. Brian Bolt, Professor, Dean of Education, Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

For my colleagues looking for Front Lines - these are the distributors that should carry it in the UK and Europe: •Adlibris •Agapea • •Aphrohead •Bertrams •Blackwell •Book Depository Ltd •Books Express •Coutts Information Services Ltd •Designarta Books •Eden Interactive Ltd •Foyles •Gardners •Trust Media Distribution (formerly STL)

In Australia & New Zealand: •Amazon AU •Booktopia •Fishpond •The Nile •James Bennett •ALS •Peter Pal

Friday, July 10, 2020

“Sports Chaplaincy: New Research in an Emerging Field.”

On Wednesday of this week our friend and colleague, Will Whitmore from Pennsylvania (USA) delivered a tremendous presentation in a webinar for the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab titled, “Sports Chaplaincy: New Research in an Emerging Field.” 

Researcher, chaplain, and educator Will Whitmore joined the Lab to discuss his work on sports chaplaincy and the future of the field. Will Whitmore is School Minister at Mercersburg Academy and PhD Candidate at the University of Gloucestershire.

The recording of the webinar is posted here. Please take some time to view it.

The recording is also posted here with many other Zoom meetings related to Sports Chaplaincy and Character Coaching.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Sports Chaplaincy Links and Twitter Handles

Things in the global sports chaplaincy community are growing rapidly and I’d like to share some info with you to keep you informed as things develop. Below is a list of websites, blogs, Twitter handles, and more. It is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it’s pretty good. Check some out, bookmark those you like, follow those that intrigue you, and contact them if you have interest in learning more. Thanks. Roll on.

Global Sports Chaplaincy Association -

This site is being retooled as an orientation to sports chaplaincy -

Videos from Sports Chaplaincy agencies around the world -

Cede Sports global sports chaplain registry -

Cede Sports Chaplaincy Resources Hub -

Tremendous resources through Verité Sport -

Info re: sports chaplaincy at major sporting events -

Brief videos for Sports Chaplains and Character Coaches -

Recordings of Zoom meetings featuring Sports Chaplains and Character Coaches -

My weekly blog (archives of these emails) -

Dozens of chapel talk outlines and sport oriented Bible studies -

Models of Prayer for Sports People -

Heart of a Champion - a daily sports devotional -

The same devotions in Spanish – Corazon de un Campeon -  

Some folks to consider following on Twitter:
@CedeNetwork - Cede Sports
@SoccerChaplains – Soccer Chaplains United (USA)
@SCZA_Chaplaincy – Sports Chaplaincy South Africa
@sportschaplain – Sports Chaplaincy United Kingdom
@cs_int – Christian Surfers International
@SCA_Sports – Sports Chaplaincy Australia
@stuartweir – Stuart Weir of Verité Sport

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