Ridley Hall, Cambridge, UK is delighted to
announce that it will host the Third Global Congress on Sport and
Christianity (3GCSC) in 2022 (see: https://www.ridley.cam.ac.uk/). The Congress will take place on the Ridley Hall campus and will be
directed by Professor Andrew Parker. Further details to be released in
due course.
This is a blog for my colleagues who are engaged in ministry with people of sport. In particular it is for those of us who refer to our roles as "Character Coach" or “Sports Chaplain."
Friday, June 26, 2020
Friday, June 19, 2020
A TULIP in Sports Chaplaincy
Over the years as my life in Christ has developed, I have become more and more inclined to see evangelism, the process of a person coming to have a relationship with Christ Jesus, as more about God’s drawing the person than my skill in sharing the Gospel. That may seem quite elementary to you, but to one who grew up during the Jesus movement of the early 70s, we were all pretty sure the Lord would make His second coming, rapture of the Church included, by next Tuesday noon if we would just get busy evangelizing the entire earth.
The longer I have lived, and the longer the Lord has tarried from His return, the more I have swerved into the more reformed or Calvinist approach to evangelism. Nothing was more instrumental in that shift in thinking than was J. I. Packer’s book, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (Publisher: IVP Books; Americanized edition - Language: English - ISBN-10: 083083799X). In particular, Packer’s quote of Charles H. Spurgeon’s approach to evangelism has made a permanent stamp on my heart. My memory of that quote is this, “If I thought the Lord painted big, blue ‘E’s on the elect, I would walk around pulling up men’s shirts and preaching to the ones with the blue ‘E’s on their chests. He did not do that so I preach to everyone and their response tells me who the elect are.” Properly quoted or not, that statement has shaped the way I approach ministry in sport and in all of life ever since reading it in the mid-1980s.
Many of my young colleagues and church brethren speak of their reformed view as though it was an advanced academic degree and boast its superiority to a more Arminian approach. I regularly push back with them by asking, “How exactly does your reformed view impact the way you share the Gospel with others? I know what my Arminian friends do, they share Christ boldly and frequently. How do you do it?” Sadly, many times they have no answer as they emphasize the ‘I’ portion of the TULIP acrostic for reformed theology above all others. They reason, “If grace is irresistible, why bother? If the Lord will draw them irresistibly, what part in the process could I possibly have?”
By now you have probably chosen sides in this debate or have determined that I am representing your point of view very poorly. Hang on. There’s more.
Here are the five points of Calvinism as outlined in the Tulip acrostic:
T)otal depravity
U)nconditional election
L)imited atonement
I)rresistible grace
P)erseverance of the saints
I will neither attempt to define nor to prove these ideas, but they portray in a simple way the big idea. My question to you, and to all my Calvinist friends is, “What will you do in light of these truths? If these tenets are true, what action is required of you? If people are all completely depraved; if the Lord has chosen some to believe in Him without condition; if He has chosen to limit atonement to just the elect; if His grace is irresistible; and if the saints will persevere; what are we to do?”
My Calvinist teammates, brothers and sisters, I would suggest you:
T)rust – the Lord Jesus to draw men and women to Himself from among the totally depraved (he chose you).
U)nderstand – the people to whom you have been called, and look for the big, blue ‘E’s on their hearts.
L)isten – to the Spirit as He leads you to the elect.
I)ntuit – the subtle nuances of how the Lord reveals His chosen to you.
P)ray – and ask God to lead you to those with whom you may share the Gospel.
“So don’t be so surprised when I tell you that you have to be ‘born from above’—out of this world, so to speak. You know well enough how the wind blows this way and that. You hear it rustling through the trees, but you have no idea where it comes from or where it’s headed next. That’s the way it is with everyone ‘born from above’ by the wind of God, the Spirit of God.” John 3:7-8
If the first TULIP is true, the second TULIP can assist you in standing with others in the Wind of God, feeling His effects as He draws people to Christ as He did Nicodemus in John 3. He is drawing them. Let’s join Him in the process.
Monday, June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020 Zoom Meeting with Robbie Trent
The recording of the Zoom meeting featuring Robbie Trent of FCA at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln is posted at the link below.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Front Lines - Becoming an Effective Sports Chaplain or Character Coach
Now available from Cross Training Publishing:
Like many people serving in sports chaplaincy or character coaching, Roger Lipe began with no formal training, too little information, and no reference guide. Front Lines is designed to provide much of the simple, direct, and applicable information needed to guide a sports chaplain or character coach through the process of developing ministry in sport.
“One of the weaknesses of the Christian sports network is a reluctance to document. Roger Lipe is an exception. This book addresses the practical challenges which the active sports chaplain faces and suggests ways to approach them combining Biblical wisdom and practical experience. Written in a humble manner it provides a blueprint for servant-hearted sports chaplaincy.”
J Stuart Weir, Executive Director, Verité Sport, UK
What People are Saying about Front Lines –
“If you are one either on the front lines of sports chaplaincy, or in the midst of considering a call to join, Roger Lipe’s 20+ years of ministry experience and distilled here in these pages, Front Lines, will help ready you and mature you for the work ahead that God has for you."
Rev. Brad Kenney, Founder/Director, Soccer Chaplains United, Lead Volunteer Chaplain, Colorado Rapids, USA
“Drawing upon years of faithful service and practice wisdom, this book comprises a candid and highly informative resource which chaplains and mentors across any number of sports will find invaluable.”
Dr. Andrew Parker, Director at Andrew Parker Consulting Ltd. UK
"This book is arguably the most practical and insightful offering on Sport Chaplaincy on the market. Due to Roger's long involvement at the coal-face of Sport Chaplaincy and his willingness and openness to engage academically with the topic, the sections of this book are filled with clear and helpful advice on how to become, and to be, a an effective minister for Christ in the domain of sport".
Dr. Nick J. Watson, Chief Operating Officer, Archbishop of York Youth Trust and former Associate Professor, Sport and Social Justice, York St. John University, UK
“Sport chaplains enter a world of relative fame, competing agendas, and raw emotion. The role requires near constant self-reflection and discernment for understanding the sport culture and serving the people involved.
In Front Lines, Roger Lipe shares his practiced wisdom from decades of sport chaplaincy in accessible, bite-sized sections - each equally profound and practical. From start to finish, this book unpacks the how questions of sport chaplaincy while always remaining tethered to the important question of why, offering an invaluable and authentic resource for people in sports ministry and beyond.”
Dr. Brian Bolt, Professor, Dean of Education, Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Front Lines
Becoming an Effective Sports Chaplain or Character Coach
Like many people serving in sports chaplaincy or character coaching, Roger Lipe began with no formal training, too little information, and no reference guide. Front Lines is designed to provide much of the simple, direct, and applicable information needed to guide a sports chaplain or character coach through the process of developing ministry in sport.
“One of the weaknesses of the Christian sports network is a reluctance to document. Roger Lipe is an exception. This book addresses the practical challenges which the active sports chaplain faces and suggests ways to approach them combining Biblical wisdom and practical experience. Written in a humble manner it provides a blueprint for servant-hearted sports chaplaincy.”
J Stuart Weir, Executive Director, Verité Sport, UK
Available in paperback.
Single copies $16.99 each
3 or more $40.00 ($13.33 each)
10 or more $130.00 ($13.00 each)
20 or more $250.00 ($12.50 each)
Order today at:

Discounts for FCA staff are available at: https://www.crosstrainingpublishing.com/fca-staff-order
What People are Saying about Front Lines –
“If you are one either on the front lines of sports chaplaincy, or in the midst of considering a call to join, Roger Lipe’s 20+ years of ministry experience and distilled here in these pages, Front Lines, will help ready you and mature you for the work ahead that God has for you."
Rev. Brad Kenney, Founder/Director, Soccer Chaplains United, Lead Volunteer Chaplain, Colorado Rapids, USA
“Drawing upon years of faithful service and practice wisdom, this book comprises a candid and highly informative resource which chaplains and mentors across any number of sports will find invaluable.”
Dr. Andrew Parker, Director at Andrew Parker Consulting Ltd. UK
"This book is arguably the most practical and insightful offering on Sport Chaplaincy on the market. Due to Roger's long involvement at the coal-face of Sport Chaplaincy and his willingness and openness to engage academically with the topic, the sections of this book are filled with clear and helpful advice on how to become, and to be, a an effective minister for Christ in the domain of sport".
Dr. Nick J. Watson, Chief Operating Officer, Archbishop of York Youth Trust and former Associate Professor, Sport and Social Justice, York St. John University, UK
“Sport chaplains enter a world of relative fame, competing agendas, and raw emotion. The role requires near constant self-reflection and discernment for understanding the sport culture and serving the people involved.
In Front Lines, Roger Lipe shares his practiced wisdom from decades of sport chaplaincy in accessible, bite-sized sections - each equally profound and practical. From start to finish, this book unpacks the how questions of sport chaplaincy while always remaining tethered to the important question of why, offering an invaluable and authentic resource for people in sports ministry and beyond.”
Dr. Brian Bolt, Professor, Dean of Education, Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Friday, June 12, 2020
New Leadership Book - Flock by Tom Roy
In the long list of
leadership books, I have found one that is particularly good for those engaged
in sports ministry. Please consider, Flock, by my colleague and
friend Tom Roy. You will not be disappointed.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Sports Chaplain and Character Coach Resources
in Ministry,
have catalogued years and years of team chapel talk outlines (73 entries to
date) on this site.
addition, 12 Bible study series for sportspeople are also posted.
are all free of charge. https://rlipe.blogspot.com/?m=1
Monday, June 1, 2020
Zoom meeting re: Coaching Staff Transitions
A recording of the 1 June, 2020 Zoom meeting re: Coaching Staff Transitions featuring Roger Adams of Nations of Coaches is available by clicking the link below.
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Today marks the official beginning of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London with the Opening Ceremony this evening. Among the thousands o...
During the 2010 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Sport Chaplains Conference in Kansas City, Missouri we were able to videotape a number of ...
Across these twenty seasons of college football I’ve written and delivered a lot of pre-game chapel talks. I thought I’d share the chapel ...