Friday, March 8, 2019

A Poll of Sports Chaplains and Character Coaches

A poll was conducted among my network of sports chaplains and character coaches via text message. The questions I asked are below and the insightful replies are below them. I hope you find these notes to be of value, to encourage you, and even to challenge you.

Questions –
1.   What have been among your most rewarding moments in serving as a sports chaplain?
2.   What have been among your most challenging moments in serving as a sports chaplain?
3.   When and from whom do you learn the most for your service as a sports chaplain?
4.   Who are the greatest allies for your service as a sports chaplain?

Question 1 – What have been among your most rewarding moments in serving as a sports chaplain?

Brandi Cantrell – Texas Tech University
Walking with a coach or athlete that doesn't yet know the Lord and then getting to pray with them to receive Jesus as their Savior. Also, seeing a coach and/or athlete grow in their walk with Jesus in tangible, noticeable ways. And - when you have been investing, investing, investing in a coach - and finally a door opens for ministry.

Bill Houston – PowerUp Sports Ministry
Two come to mind-once when no one showed for chapel in Arena League and a player caught me later and said, "Sorry we couldn't make it...never stop doing what you're doing!" The other is this season when a coach who arrived later in the season said, "I can't wait to tell you what God is doing in my life!"
Ev Nelson – University of North Dakota
Building Relationships!!! Seeing Gods transformational power working in the lives of those we minister to.
Russ Talley – Northern Illinois University
Witnessing men receiving salvation when they accept Christ.  Also hearing of the people who receive Christ as a result of the testimony and discipleship of an athlete.

Tony Overstake – University of Oregon
Performing wedding ceremonies for the athletes I work with/ baptizing my athletes, and their kids.

David Melms – Minnesota FCA
The student-athletes coming to know and grow in love for Jesus and seeing influence their identity coupled with become a spiritual leader in some form within their team.

Jeremy Tims – Oklahoma FCA
Getting the opportunity to throw a life preserver or even pulling so that these kids into the lifeboat when I notice that they are going down the wrong path. Being able to create an authentic relationship with them when nobody else has that opportunity, so that they can hear what they NEED to hear from a person who loves them and has no ulterior motives.

Billy Holder – Indiana FCA
Serving the athletes.

Richard Lopez – University of Arizona FCA
Being called upon by the football operations guys to address team when one of their teammates passed away in his sleep.

Question 2 - What have been among your most challenging moments in serving as a sports chaplain?

Brandi Cantrell –
The turnover rate with coaches AND athletes!!! Relationship building is hard and takes time! And then they leave.

Bill Houston
Just last season when our Bible study leader for the GR Drive-Zeke Upshaw, collapsed on the floor and later went home to Jesus. Serving this team at that point, under those circumstances was something I had never done before. God met with us and carried us through a very difficult time. I was called upon to do things I had never had to do before. 

Ev Nelson
Feeling alone at times because we are separated by distance from the rest of our FCA state team. Also at times the brokenness of our athletes can be discouraging. Sometimes I wonder if we are really making an impact or difference but I know God is there through it all. He is always working behind the scenes.

Russ Talley
Knowing how to deal with the trauma of injury or death in the moment when it first occurs.  It's always a challenge to know what to say, not say or how much to say.

Tony Overstake
Performing Memorial services for University of Oregon Athletes and navigating athletic administration.

David Melms
Student-athlete/FCA leaders living in sin that isn’t confessed and repented that comes out due to public spotlight or some form of humiliation rather than their honesty.

Jeremy Tims
The 1st couple of years were very challenging for me. It takes many practices, many visits, many questions and high fives in order to gain trust and access into their locker room and hearts.  It is also challenging now because there is so much more opportunity to do ministry with 100 plus people on a specific team or University staff.

Billy Holder
Coaches' attitudes.

Richard Lopez
Watching coaches degrade athletes and tearing them down.

Question 3 - When and from whom do you learn the most for your service as a sports chaplain?

Brandi Cantrell
Fellow chaplains and best practices share sessions! Sometimes conferences. But mostly from friends who serve in the same area of ministry that I do! Especially the ones that have experience.

Bill Houston
Many sources come to mind calls I will make to fellow chaplains for direction and encouragement. Books, online resources on sports ministry...conferences I might attend and from a couple gentlemen who have agreed to listen to me and pray for me.

Ev Nelson
Listening to God and the fellowship of other FCA staff and ministry partners. My wife Teri who works by my side and really our FCA student leadership have taught us so much!!

Russ Talley
The Bible is #1. #2 is Roger Lipe.

Tony Overstake
Dusty Davis former University of Oregon Chaplain, Ryan Johnston Western Oregon FCA Director, and Roger Lipe.

David Melms
Tom Lamphere (Minnesota Vikings chaplain with AIA) has taken me under his wing and imitated ministering to people of sport in a way I can see it being played out and innovate based on my gifting and circumstances.

Jeremy Tims
My main source of leadership comes straight from the previous chaplain who was in my position for 10 plus years. He understands the process and the value of relationships. He also understands how the program operates and what they expect.

Billy Holder
The Holy Spirit, Roger Lipe, my own studies.

Richard Lopez
By always watching and learning from others and reading as much material on creating relationships and leadership principles.

Question 4 - Who are the greatest allies for your service as a sports chaplain?

Brandi Cantrell
Coaches for sure. Also, athletic administration - ADs, associate ADs, etc. Another great ally has been the athletes themselves. Sometimes if a coach is unsure about utilizing a chaplain, an athlete who will talk to their coach about the need for you goes a long way!

Bill Houston
Again, a couple gentlemen I meet with on a regular basis have been a huge help to me. Even a couple coaches, not believers, but very supportive of the chaplain program, will offer insight as it relates to the work I'm involved with and how I can serve them and our players on a more effective level. 

Ev Nelson
FCA Staff. Without a doubt. Their encouragement and prayers in the hardest times help to refocus us and keep us fighting.

Russ Talley
My wife - The head coach.

Tony Overstake
Christian Coaches and Administrators.

David Melms
Christian athletic administrators or coaches.

Jeremy Tims
My greatest ally is one of our associate athletic directors. He is a Christian man that looks out for our best interests. Another great ally (who doesn't know he is) is the director of football operations. He controls everything that happens off of the playing field. You have to be in good with him. I also believe the athletic department secretary is another person you half to make sure you have a relationship with. They hold the key and know so much!

Billy Holder
Parents, athletes, administration, and coaches that brought me on board.

Richard Lopez
Other ministries who are devoted to serve athletes and coaches.

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