Friday, September 2, 2011

Team Building - Session 2

As promised, below is session #2 of this year’s Team Building with Saluki Football. I hope it’s of value to you. If you would like the entire outline, please email me and I’ll be pleased to send it to you. Several asked for and received it last week.

Session 2

Hunger and Humility – Group Discussions

• Roger’s introductory remarks about hunger and humility.

• For what are you most hungry as a Saluki Football player? Why?

• What action will your hunger produce in you? How will that hunger drive you?

• Definition of humility: “the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.”

• Who has been a model of real humility in your life? Tell us about him or her.

• How does one’s humility affect others around him?

Session 2 – Seniors

• Tell us your name, your home town, the position you play, and your uniform number.

• In your years as a Saluki Football player, how have hunger and humility contributed to your development as a player?

• If you have a tattoo, tell us about it. (What does it represent? When did you get it?)

• Do you have any regrets about having it now?

• If you don't have a tattoo; what would yours be if you were to get one?

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