Thursday, August 14, 2008

Servant Attitude

In a conversation with some other sport chaplains, we were discussing the primacy of servant-leadership for our role in ministry. It may seem like a backward way of discussing this, but we made a list of items which can destroy such a servant’s attitude.

1. Asking for free tickets, sideline passes, etc.
2. Going places on the field or court where you haven’t been invited.
3. Walking into offices, locker rooms, etc. without express permission.
4. Expecting to travel with the team or other such privileges.
5. Asking for team gear.
6. Any such presumption of privilege or access.
7. Using your position to gain prominence or profile in the community.
8. Using your position to raise funds from those whom you’re serving.

Let’s be wise and avoid these behaviors which betray a selfish heart. Thanks Josh Gilreath, Chette Williams, Derrick Moore and Wes Yeary for this discussion.

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