I would like to make you aware of some on-line resources that could be helpful in your work. Some of you will be able to open a new browser window to these sites by simply clicking on the underlined address.
http://www.goodnewssports.com/support/chaplaincy.html This is an organization in Australia which supports and trains sport chaplains.
http://www.slmaustralia.com.au/chaplaincy.htm This is another organization in Australia which supports and trains sport chaplains.
http://www.scorechaplaincy.org.uk/Chaplaincy_in_Sport/chaplaincy_in_sport.html This is the site for an agency in Great Britain which trains and places sport chaplains, primarily with football (soccer) clubs and works with major sports events.
http://www.sportsoutreach.org/ This is the web site for the International Sport Coalition, with which I serve on the Serving the People of Sport Council.
http://www.srsonline.de/ This is the web site for SRS Pro Sportler in Germany. This outstanding sports ministry has done Sport Mentoring for a long time and very effectively.
http://www.geocities.com/chaplainsroundtable/welcome This is the site for an annual Sport Chaplains Roundtable which occurs in the fall – one in Indianapolis, IN and another in Grand Rapids, MI.
http://www.veritesport.org/ This is the site for Verite’ Sport in Great Britain. Stuart Weir is in my estimation the world’s best writer of material which serves to help athletes integrate their faith in to their lives of sport.
http://pressboxview.com/ This is the site for an issue oriented radio show / podcast by Gordon Thiessen of Cross Training Publishing and former Univ. of Nebraska Football Coach, now FCA Staff member – Ron Brown.
This is a blog for my colleagues who are engaged in ministry with people of sport. In particular it is for those of us who refer to our roles as "Character Coach" or “Sports Chaplain."
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Today marks the official beginning of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London with the Opening Ceremony this evening. Among the thousands o...
During the 2010 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Sport Chaplains Conference in Kansas City, Missouri we were able to videotape a number of ...
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