Friday, May 10, 2024

Resources for Character Coaches and Sports Chaplains - Sport. Faith. Life.

One of the requests I hear most consistently from character coaches and sports chaplains is for resources. Over the next couple of months I will be highlighting several different websites containing a wide variety of resources. Some have videos, some written resources, some are podcasts, and a couple have all those and more.

Sport. Faith. Life. is a blog and a podcast that emerged from the Third Global Congress on Sport and Christianity in 2019. Chad Carlson and Brian Bolt, professors and coaches at Hope College and Calvin University, respectively in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. They bring a well reasoned, academic approach to a wide range of topics related to sport, faith, and life. Thus the title.

I find their discussion oriented blog to be interesting and challenging. These guys love God and they love Sport. These are my kind of people. Please visit their site, read the blog, and listen to the podcast. It will enhance your service of the people of sport.


Friday, April 26, 2024

Resources for Character Coaches and Sports Chaplains - Cross Training Publishing

One of the requests I hear most consistently from character coaches and sports chaplains is for resources. Over the next couple of months I will be highlighting several different websites containing a wide variety of resources. Some have videos, some written resources, some are podcasts, and a couple have all those and more.


One of the best sites for written resources in the USA is Cross Training Publishing from Nebraska. I certainly am biased in my opinion because Cross Training and its owner, GordonThiessen, have published 14 projects for me. 


Cross Training Publishing has materials specifically designed for ministry with players, coaches, teams, sports camps, and more. There are scores of devotional books, sports biographies, and character development books. In addition, if you're buying materials for a team or coaching staff, Cross Training Publishing offers bulk discounts. They also offer discounts to Fellowship of Christian Athletes staff. Please check them out, you won't be disappointed.​


Friday, April 12, 2024

Resources for Character Coaches and Sports.Chaplains - Verite' Sport

 One of the requests I hear most consistently from character coaches and sports chaplains is for resources. Over the next couple of months I will be highlighting several different websites containing a wide variety of resources. Some have videos, some written resources, some are podcasts, and a couple have all those and more.

The first resource site I would like to heartily recommend to you is Verité Sport. 

Verité Sport is a remarkable site developed by my friend and colleague from Oxford, England, Stuart Weir. Stuart is a veteran of ministry in sport and is among the most highly revered leaders in that global network.

Stuart has a large number of resources in English, and a good array in other languages. In addition, Stuart's site includes the most complete set of book reviews for publications on sport and ministry in sport I have ever seen. If you're a reader, this listing contains a wealth of information and can guide you to some excellent reading.

Please check out Verité Sport and its wealth of resources. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople - Part 13

This is the final in a long series of posts featuring excerpts from my new book, Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople


If your ministry role has you serving elite level, professional, high-profile competitors or the coaches who lead them, you are in a unique position. You are among a select few people who will be allowed into their circle of friends, teammates, and colleagues. Yours is a place of remarkable privilege and immense responsibility.

Further, if this person has shown interest in growing his or her relationship with Christ Jesus, you are given a tremendous opportunity. As you step into this unique and transformational role, may I remind you of these simple points of emphasis?

·      Respect their time constraints.

·      Embrace their sport’s culture.

·      Communicate directly.

·      Demonstrate genuine interest in them.

·      Invite them into your home.

·      Love extravagantly.

·      Serve selflessly.

Keep your approach to the faith development of those in your charge simple and clear. Help them build a strong, enduring, dynamic relationship with Christ Jesus through prayer and study. Help them to also build relationships with other believers, as well as with those yet to believe.

As we walk with these people of sport, the ripple effects of our service with them have an incalculable impact across years, decades, and lifetimes. Our service will be most evident in how they compete, how they live as spouses and parents, and how they share their faith with others.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople - Part 12

For the next number of weeks, I will be sharing excerpts from my new book, Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople

Faith Development Exercises 
for Elite Sportspeople

To begin the development of one’s faith I simply show the prospective disciple the diagram, explain that one’s life in Christ is developed through a vertical relationship with God in prayer and study, as well as horizontal relationships with other believers (Christian community) and with people yet to believe (the sharing of one’s faith). The stronger one’s relationship with God grows, the shadow cast among the people surrounding him or her will be stronger and broader. Then I ask them, “Where would you like to start?” This question allows the disciple to indicate his or her greatest interest up front, leading to a greater likelihood of success and long-term development.

I believe hunger is the coin of the realm for the Kingdom of God. If a person is hungry to learn and grow, he or she will commit to your process. If the person is not genuinely hungry, it won’t matter much what you do. A sated man loathes honey, But to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet. Proverbs 27:7 (NASB) Listen for their expression of hunger and feed exactly that. If you listen closely, they’ll tell you where they itch. Scratch that.

Once the starting point is determined (almost always Prayer or Study), I flip the page over and begin to share processes and resources that facilitate our growth. Once we have delved into that first element, and learned its processes, we can choose another point in the diagram, and begin its development. I have found it best to ask the disciple each time, “Where should we go next?”

It’s also wise to determine the duration of your discipleship process together. You can determine to meet for a set number of sessions, weeks, or months. To not set a timeline often leads to a sense of dread and failure if the frequency of meetings declines or circumstances cause you to stop meeting. Set the duration, complete those sessions, then determine if you should keep meeting or if it’s time to move on.

Obviously, if there are resources you prefer or processes you like better, substitute them. These have been most helpful to me and to those I have trained.

Let’s make disciples. This is my process, as adapted from a mentor. If you don’t have a process, this one is better. Choose one and get after it. 

Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople - Part 11

For the next number of weeks, I will be sharing excerpts from my new book, Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople

Faith Development Exercises for Elite Sportspeople

Since 1980 I have been engaged in the process of making disciples and since 1985, I have been using the same approach to this process. I learned it from my mentor, Fred Bishop of No Greater Love Ministries. This approach is very simple but allows for tremendous depth and flexibility for both the faith development leader, and the disciple.

Having now served people in the sporting world since 1994, and continuing to make disciples along the way, this approach has proven to be quite effective. Please consider using this model or modifying it to suit your purposes. It can be used in one-to-one settings, with small groups, or even large groups.

If you are an elite level person of sport, I believe this process and its exercises will serve you well. Please look through the diagrams and descriptions of the processes to choose a point for beginning. As your faith develops, simply work your way around the four points of the cross to develop your faith completely. These exercises can help you continually grow across your lifetime, in sport and beyond it.

If you are someone serving the men and women of the elite sporting world, I believe this process and its exercises can be of great value to you. This model can provide a simple framework upon which you can add your own favorite exercises and resources for making disciples of Christ Jesus. Simply use this model as a starting point and systematically aid the sportspeople in the development of their faith.

The process I use is pictured here. It focuses on four areas of development of Christian life. Prayer – Study – Christian Community – Sharing One’s Faith. With sportspeople, I often call these exercises or drills that we practice developing our lives in Christ. I will explain, demonstrate, and assign a process or a resource for exercising, and in succeeding sessions we will review their discoveries, insights, and answer their questions. I always emphasize that Christian discipleship is a life-long process of growth and development.

Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople - Part 10

For the next number of weeks, I will be sharing excerpts from my new book, Soul Training - 7 Keys to Coaching the Faith of Elite Sportspeople

Teach, Mentor, or Coach Faith Development?

In my earliest years of helping sportspeople develop their faith, I used a teaching approach. Having gone to schools in the USA, and having been raised in a Baptist church, teaching was the primary and only available model for intellectual and spiritual development. I started with the swimmers who attended the Sunday School class I was teaching in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Many years later, after having succeeded a little and failed a lot, people began to seek me out for wisdom and for mentoring. They seem to value my experience and expertise, though I largely discount it. We sit and chat over coffee, I listen, tell stories, and offer options for their growth.

Most recently, I have begun coaching people who are seeking to develop their faith and those pursuing their calling to ministry. In this mode, I ask questions to help this person discover how he or she can pursue a call from God, develop a ministry, or simply be a more effective follower of Christ.

In developing the faith of sportspeople: Some people teach faith development. Other people mentor faith development. Still other people coach faith development. Which do you do? One, two, maybe all three? How are they different? What are the advantages of each? What are the liabilities of each?

Teaching faith development

When we teach faith development, we take an academic approach to training. It’s about the delivery and processing of information. We assign books to read, make presentations, deliver lectures, and otherwise aim to improve the trainee’s knowledge of the subject. The focus is usually on principles and practices. It may include research, writing papers, or making presentations to demonstrate the knowledge gained by the trainee. Teaching of Sports Chaplaincy happens at universities, in seminary classrooms, in sports ministries’ meeting rooms, and via virtual learning platforms.

If you teach faith development, teach it effectively. Go for depth of understanding. Train minds and hearts to serve wisely. We need you to help the sports chaplaincy community be a healthy, intelligent, and well-integrated form of ministry.

Mentoring faith development

We who mentor people in the development of their faith do so with an eye toward continuing personal and professional development with our mentee(s).  Most often, the mentorship takes place on an individual basis, rather than with a group. It can be delivered in person or via electronic media. Mentors in faith development provide a broad view, lending perspective across a career.

Mentors are less involved in the teaching or coaching of techniques, methods, or strategies than they are in sharing their insights, experiences, and expertise. This often leads to telling stories, asking challenging questions, and occasionally directly sharing wise counsel.

If you mentor sportspeople in the development of their faith, be sure to help your mentees gain perspective. Keep their overall wellbeing in mind. Help them develop their own vision, set goals, determine best practices, and lend wise counsel, as requested. Your mentees may gather great value by simply spending time in your altruistic presence.

Coaching faith development

 We who coach faith development focus on the development of skills, and use questions (Socratic method) to help the trainee discover the why and how that shape their expressions of it.

We who coach the development of faith in sportspeople strive for understanding and processes that deliver excellent ministry. As we discuss ideas, options, strategies, and methods with trainees, we aim to help them apply the ideas to their local context, the community, the club or institution, the team, the coaching staff, and the competitors.

If you coach faith development as your method of training, do it with patience and thoughtfulness. Coaching takes time and intentional leadership. Coaching the development of faith in sportspeople will lead to depth of service, excellent ministry, and long-lasting results.